The Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s (IDEM’s) Wastewater Operator’s exam has been given and pass/fail results have been posted for the spring test. The next scheduled test is set for Thursday, October 2, 2014. The application due date is August 18, 2014. * Note – dates are subject to change if IDEM’s plans with IVY Tech can be completed in time for the fall exam.* Study guides and study references can be found at IDEM’s web-site which can be easily accessed on Wastewater 101’s Resource page. There is quite a bit of information for you to download and to print off.
The Indiana Water Environment Association’s (IWEA’s) Collection Systems Operator exam has been given. The next scheduled exam is set for October 21, 2014 at Clay Township and October 23, 2014 at Ft. Wayne. The application due date is September 11, 2014. You can find the application on the IWEA’s Collection System Committee link at: The cost of the exam for Class I and II is $65 and $75 for Class III and IV, checks or money orders to be made payable to IWEA. The study references for this exam are found through the Sacramento State Office of Water Programs, the web-site to order the books is: You can find more on-line study sites on Wastewater 101’s Resource page (WEF and Sewer Geek).
Don’t let the test jitters get the best of you – sign up for Wastewater 101’s Certification Review Course for either the Operator’s Exam or the Collection System Exam or both. Dates and locations are pending for the fall exam. Keep checking back to Wastewater 101 for updates.
For more training opportunities follow Wastewater 101 on Face Book. Just “Like” Wastewater101 and each time there is a post it will come across your home page. Approximately each week there will be Collection System Operator, Wastewater Operator and Math quizzes as well as a safety tip posted.
For something a little different check out the Fun and Games page for crossword puzzles and word search games that will help you study definitions for the collection system and wastewater operator exams.