Wastewater 101’s Barbara Smith spent April 22 and 29th in the town of Seymour, Indiana for the Certification Review Course. In this session Seymour was represented by their Plant Operators, Stormwater Crew, Sewer Maintenance and Laboratory personnel. Seymour also invited representatives from a local industry, AISIN; a few needed contact hours and others were studying for certification. This was a very interesting class because most of the students this time were new to the plant or had not actually even toured the facility yet. I am sure at times I was speaking Martian to some of them, but somehow they were able to stay awake and even retain information from the first part of the day to answer questions in the second part of the day. They were such a quite group that many times I thought I was talking to myself, and I wasn’t sure if I was even getting through to them. But then, the best part of both days happened when I asked a question on the second day about something they heard on the first day and most of them answered correctly. Talk about being impressed with a group, ya’ll rock. I can’t wait to go back when I have a little more time to tour the facility. I wish you all luck on your exams and in your training.