Wastewater Certification Exam Quiz:
1. What is the main component of a control system?
a. resistors
b. sensors
c. relay switches
d. fuses
2. Successful flocculation is preceded by _.
a. good mixing
b. pressurization
c. heating
d. raising the pH
3. On a large scale, which is the best method for removing ammonia nitrogen from wastewater?
a. trickling filter
b. breakpoint chlroination
c. activated sludge
d. ion exchange
4. The presence of a white billowing foam on an aeration tank indicates _.
a. the aeration tank is overloaded hydrualically
b. the aeration tank is underloaded organically
c. the aeration tank is overloaded organically
d. none of the above
5. The over aeration of an aeration basin can cause _.
a. the sludge particles in shear causing poor settling
b. the sludge particles to form a better floc
c. a waste of money
d. a and c
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. d