1. Mark the correct equation for determining the amount of chlorine required for a dosage of 10 mg/L in 500,000 gallons of flow.
a. 0.05 X 7.34 X 10 = lb Cl2
b. 0.05 X 8.34 X 10 = lb Cl2
c. 0.5 X 7.34 X 10 = lb Cl2
d. 0.5 X 8.34 X 10 = lb Cl2
2. Your chlorinator room should have an exhaust vent installed _.
a. near the ceiling
b. near the floor
c. halfway up the wall
d. at the chlorinator bell jar
3. Rodents and insects can be controlled by _.
a. aeration
b. spraying manholes with an approved pesticide
c. vacuum filtration
d. all the above
4. What is a mechanical means to remove material from a sewer?
a. brushing
b. pumping
c. scraping
d. sweeping
5. Hydrogen peroxide controls odors by _.
a. decreasing the D.O.
b. neutralizing pH
c. oxidizing sulfide components
d. providing a source of hydrogen ions
1. d
2. b
3. b
4. c
5. c