1. What is the loading rate in gpm/sq ft if a flow of 1,000,000 gal/day flows into a clarifier measuring 20 ft by 25 ft?
Loading rate, gpm/sq ft = (GPM / Area, sqft)
2. What is the flow through a trickling filter in gpm if flow = 135 cu ft/min?
3. What is the volume of a tank that measures 20 ft wide, 30 ft tall and 40 ft long?
4. What is the volume of a storage tank that measures 20 ft in diameter and 10 ft tall?
5. If a clarifier measures 10 ft tall, 20 ft wide and 30 ft long, how many gallons will this tank hold when it is full?
1. 1.4 gpm/sqft
Convert gal/day to gal/minute =(1,000,000 gpd) / (1440 min/day) = 694.44 gpm, next find area, sqft = 20 ft x 25 ft = 500 sqft, next work problem = (694.44 gpm) / (500s qft) = 1.388
2. 1,010 gpm
(135 cuft/min) x (7.48 gal/cuft) = 1009.8 gal/min
3. 24,000 cuft
20’ x 30’ x 40’ =
4. 3140 cft
0.785 x 20’ x 20’ x 10’ =
5. 44,880 gal
10 ft x 20 ft x 30 ft = 6000 cuft x 7.48 gal/cuft =