1. Convert 3 cubic yards into gallons
2. Convert 1 acre-ft/day into gpm
3. Convert 15 cfs into gpm
4. Convert 3 mgd to cfs
5. Convert 400 psi into feet of head
1. 3 cu yrd X 27 cuft/cuyrd = 81 cuft X 7.48 gal/cuft = 605.88 or 606 gal
2. 1 acre-ft/day X 43560 sf/acre = 43560 cuft/day, THEN 43560 cuft/day X 7.48 gal/cuft = 325828.8 gal/day, THEN (325828.8 gal/day) / (1440 min/day) = 226.27 or 226 gal/min OR (325828.8 gal) / (24 hr/day) = (13576.2 gal/hr) / (60 min/hr) = 226 gal/min
3. 15 cfs X 7.48 gal/cuft = 112.2 gal/sec, THEN 112.2 gal/sec X 60 sec/min = 6732 gpm
4. 3 MGD X 1,000,000 = (3,000,000 gal/day) / (7.48 gal/cuft) = 401069.5 cuft/day, THEN (401069.5 cuft/day) / (1440 min/day) = (278.52 cuft/min), THEN (278.52 cuft/min) / (60 sec/min) = 4.6 cuf/sec (NOTE: You could have taken different paths to work this problem – you could have converted TIME first, then worked on the gallons, you could have worked MGD to gal then time then converted gal to cuft it is up to you as long as you know your path and follow the units.)
5. (400 psi) / (0.433 ft/psi) = 923.78 or 924 ft