1. Job specifications refer to _.
a. the functional elements of a position
b. the information gained from employees who hold various positions
c. the personal or human qualities necessary to perform the job adequately
d. the principal duties and functions of the various jobs, including the scope and kinds of authority related to those jobs
2. A supervisor who encourages his employees to make their own decisions _.
a. shows bad for since the supervisor eventually loses control
b. is highly desirable since it encourages employee growth and frees the supervisor for other tasks
c. is passing the buck
d. is against the rules to follow past experience in decision making
3. When reprimanding an employee, an oral warning should take place _.
a. in public
b. in private interviews
c. by telephone
d. in speeches
4. Successful communication, leads to mutual _.
a. agreement
b. understanding
c. transmission
d. confusion
5. Staffing a new treatment plant should be viewed primarily as the responsibility of the _.
a. personnel department
b. every operator
c. employee
d. supervisor/management
1. d
2. b
3. b
4. b
5. d