Sampling and Reporting
Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)
The sample collection and analytical results required by the effective permit (EPA or state issued) must be reported to the enforcement authority (EPA or state) through the submission of DMRs (EPA Form 3320-1). An original and one legible copy of the DMRs must be submitted to the enforcement authority by the date specified in the permit. This data is entered into a national database available to the public. It is extremely important that the data reported on the DMR be accurate, timely, and legible to ensure the facility’s compliance status is correctly reflected. The reported data will be compared with the current limits contained in the permit or any enforcement order to determine facility compliance. It should be noted that a DMR is required even if the facility did not have a discharge during a reporting period.
1. Permittee Name/Address – Name and mailing address of permittee.
2. Facility/Location – Enter if different from mailing address.
3. Permit Number – The permit number usually consists of nine characters, alpha and numeric combined. Currently, the permit numbers begin with the two-digit alpha state abbreviation (EX: AR, IN, etc.). Other variations of the permit number will be assigned to identify special programs (EX: storm water, oil and gas, sludge, etc.)
4. Discharge Number (Outfall Number) – Consists of a combination of four alpha and numeric characters. (EX: 001A, 002Q, 003S, 004Y). Some exceptions include, but are not limited to, biomonitoring/toxicity, and sludge. The first two characters are “TX” for biomonitoring/toxicity reporting and “SL” for sludge reporting. The last two characters are usually an assigned code used for Agency tracking purposes (EX: TX1A, TX1S, TX1Y, SLDP, SLSA, SLSF, etc.).
5. Monitoring Period – From first day of monitoring period through last day of monitoring period. The dates should be displayed as YR MO DAY. Applicable monitoring periods will be specified in each permit. Some examples include, but are not limited to: Monthly – 02 01 01 to 02 01 31 Quarterly – 02 01 01 to 02 03 31 Semi-annual – 02 01 01 to 02 06 30 Annual – 02 01 01 to 02 12 31
6. No Discharge – Mark this block if the facility has no discharge for a specific outfall during the monitoring period. Do not mark if the facility had a discharge but failed to sample.
7. Parameters – Specified in the permit as effluent characteristics for each discharge number (outfall), one parameter per box. Each box must display the parameter name and corresponding storet code number. (EX: BOD (00310), pH (00400), TSS (00530), flow (50050)). The parameters should display on the DMR form in numeric order by storet code number. Consult the appropriate regulatory agency if any changes need to be made to the pre-printed or self-generated DMRs.
8. Sample Measurement – Sample measurement data for each parameter under “Quantity or Loading” or “Quality or Concentration” in accordance with permit limitations. Indicate units (lbs/day, mg/L, su, etc) as specified in the permit. (See Appendix 4 – Definitions and Calculations for Discharge Monitoring Reports.) It may be necessary to do calculations to convert data to the units required in the permit. “Average” is normally arithmetic average (geometric average for bacterial parameters) of all sample measurements for each parameter obtained during the monitoring period. “Maximum” and “Minimum” are normally the highest and lowest measurements obtained during the monitoring period. Consult the appropriate regulatory agency if any changes need to be made to the pre-printed or self-generated DMRs.
a. No. EX (Number of Exceedance) – Total of sample measurements that exceed the daily maximum, daily minimum, 7-day (weekly) average permit limit. DO NOT include monthly average or daily average violations in this field. If none, enter “0”. Permittees with continuous pH, or temperature monitoring requirements should consult the permit for what constitutes an exceedance and report accordingly.
b. Frequency of Analysis – Actual frequency of analysis used during the monitoring period; the minimum requirement is as specified in the permit. Enter “CONT” for continuous monitoring, “01/07” for one day per week, “01/30” for one day per month, “01/90” for one day per quarter, etc.
c. Sample Type – Actual sample type used during monitoring period. Enter “GRAB” for individual sample, “24HC” for 24-hour composite, “CONT” for continuous monitoring.
9. Permit Requirement – Effluent limitations for each parameter as specified in the permit are displayed on the DMR under “Quantity or Loading” and/or “Quality or Concentration”. Monitoring requirements for frequency of analysis and sample type as specified in the permit are also displayed. The DMR must reflect the most current monitoring and reporting requirements. Consult the appropriate regulatory agency if any changes need to be made to the preprinted or self-generated DMRs.
10. Name/Title Principal Executive Officer or Authorized Agent – See the permit for qualifications of Principal Executive Officer and signature authorization.
11. Signature – Original legible signature of authorized Principal Executive Officer or Authorized Agent. Every page of the DMR must have an original signature. In the event a revised or corrected DMR is necessary, an original authorized signature and date of signature is required on each page. The word REVISED should be clearly visible on each page of the form. 12. Telephone – Telephone number of Principal Executive Officer.
13. Date – Actual date of signature certifying authenticating data submitted on DMR.
14. Comments – May contain any clarifying information of permit requirements or reporting instructions.
NOTE: The results of any additional monitoring of parameters at the location(s) designated in the permit, using approved analytical methods, must be included on the DMR.