In addition to DMRs and non-compliance reports (NCRs), the permit or formal enforcement actions may contain additional reporting provisions, with specific reporting requirements. These specific provisions could include compliance schedules with progress reports, pretreatment requirements, toxicity, sludge, storm water, etc. The actual completion date of any scheduled activity must be included in the submitted report and the report is due within 14 days of the scheduled activity. Any report which indicates noncompliance with a scheduled event should include the reason for the delay, what actions are being taken to get back on schedule, and how the delay will affect the remaining schedule events. See the permit or formal enforcement action for specific reporting dates and requirements.
Federal regulations contained in 40 CFR Part 503 are self implementing (i.e., compliance is required regardless of whether a permit contains the conditions). The regulations require all Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) servicing a population greater than 10,000 or having a design flow rate greater than one million gallons per day, or designated as Class I facilities to submit an annual report to the permitting authority every year on February 19th. Annual sludge reports required by 40 CFR Parts 503-18, and 503-28, are due to the regulatory agency by either February 19th or September 1st of each year as specified in your permit. If you have questions regarding sewage sludge compliance with the Part 503 requirements, please contact the EPA Regional Sludge Coordinator in your region.
The basic set of sludge DMR forms consist of: Production and Use (Outfall SLDP); Land Application (Outfall SLLA); Surface Disposal (Outfall SLSA); and, Landfilling (Outfall SLDF). See the permit for additional outfalls required for specific sludge disposal operations. The entire set of forms must be appropriately completed (with facility name, address, NPDES number and appropriate monitoring periods) and each form must include an original signature. The original and one copy of the completed and signed reports must be mailed to the appropriate agency.
The reporting year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 each year, with reports due on February 19th. The reporting year begins on August 1 and ends on July 31st each year for reports due on September 1st.
Land Application & Surface Disposal Forms
Facilities must indicate the actual frequency that sewage sludge is monitored in the “Frequency of Analysis” column. The minimum required frequency, indicated in Tables 1 of Parts 503.16 and 503.26, is dependent on the amount of sludge which is annually land applied or surface disposed, respectively.
A separate report shall be made and completed for EACH MONITORING PERIOD, and the appropriate monitoring period, dates must b 0e indicated at the top of the DMR form. For example, if a facility is required to monitor once per quarter, four monitoring reports must be completed for each full reporting year.
In order to aid in processing reports for multiple monitoring periods, facilities should indicate “Monitoring Period 1, Monitoring Period 2, Monitoring Period 3, etc…” in the comments section at the bottom of the DMR form for each of the separate reports.
NOTE: Frequency and sample type must be completed on every DMR form, except when “no discharge” is indicated.