1. The main operational goal in anaerobic digestion is to _.
a. maintain a suitable environment for bacteria to treat the sludge
b. oxidizing the organic and inorganic material not removed by other process
c. produce fuel for other plant processes
d. reduce the total suspended solids load by 50 to 60 percent
2. Observation which indicates that a pond is operating or being maintained properly is _.
a. a definite green color of the pond
b. lots of mosquitoes swarming around the pond area
c. scum on the pond surface
d. tulles growing along the edge of the pond
3. When starting a pond, wastewater should be added when the _.
a. pond is empty
b. pond bottom is covered with at least one foot of water
c. wind is blowing in the right direction
d. bottom is covered with grass
4. Facultative ponds are _.
a. aerobic on the top and anaerobic on the bottom
b. complete aerobic
c. faulty operating ponds
d. very shallow ponds
5. The objective of jar test chemical testing is to _.
a. analyze the daily costs of each chemical tested
b. confirm the performance and fine-tune the dosage rates
c. qualify chemical dosages required achieving the desired treatment performance
d. select a limited number of potentially suitable treatment products
1. d
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. c