On-Site Technical Sessions for Contact Hours:
*All hours listed are suggested hours and can adjusted as needed to achieve the total amount of contact hours desired per day. All hours are technical in nature and are approved through IDEM.
Bulking and Foaming in Activated Sludge Plants – 4 hours
An overview of problems associated with bulking and foaming in the active sludge system including causes of filamentous bulking, problems associated with bulking and control of filamentous bulking. Causes of foaming, problems associated with bulking and control of foaming.
Cause and Effect Throughout the Plant – 8 hours
A look at high and low hydraulics and organic loadings starting at the collection system and ending at belt presses.
Clarifier Optimization – 4 hours
Discussion of optimization of primary and secondary clarifiers operators can use within their own facility.
Clarifier Problems – 4 hours
Describes many of the problems occurring in both primary and secondary clarifiers that could affect the quality of the effluent. Discussion will include solutions to both normal and abnormal situations.
Cold Weather Impact – 4 hours
With the change in weather many plants need to change the operation of their facility and this course will look at these changes.
Collection System Certification Review – 14 Technical hours
This two day session will cover the information needed to pass the Collection System Operator Certification Exam. Topics covered include: Operation of equipment, Maintenance, Evaluation of Equipment, Maintenance and Construction of Collection System, Lift Stations, Security, Safety and Administration. This course is a valuable tool for anyone in the collection system or who wishes to learn more about the collection system.
Corrosion and the Treatment Plant – 2 hours
Wear and tear on equipment is only second to damage caused by septic conditions. This course will discuss ways to protect the facility and collection system from decay, rust and corrosion.
Digesters – Aerobic and Anaerobic – 4 hours
Both aerobic and anaerobic digesters utilize bacteria to convert sludge to a product that can be utilized with no vector attraction.
Grease and Septicity – 3 hours
The affect of grease and septicity on the collection system and treatment plant. Discussion will cover methods used to manage the plant that doesn’t have an existing Fats, Oils and Grease program or in plant options.
Impact Primary Clarifiers – 3 hours
Primary clarifiers are useful in the overall operation of a treatment plant when operated properly. This session will discuss the impact of properly and improperly operated primary clarifiers.
Loss of Solids – 4 hours
Looks at causes of loss of solids, problems associated with loss of solids and cures for loss of solids in the secondary clarifiersControl of Activated Sludge for Clear Effluent – 4 hours
Nitrification/Denitrification – 2 hours
The process behind nitrification and denitrification can be hard to understand. This course will help the operator understand the process and what the 5 Critical Parameters mean to their system
Microlife of Activated Sludge – 6 or 8 hours (6 hours if no microscope on site, 8 hours if plant microscope is available)
Bacteria are the main workers at a treatment facility, however, most treatment plants cannot afford a microscope that allows the operator to see the bacteria. This session will cover the microlife in the activated sludge that will indicate which bacteria is present.
Operation and Control of a Conventional Activated Sludge Plant – 4 hours
Discussion of the basic controls for a stable activated sludge system. Session will discuss F/M ratio, sludge age, MCRT, use and interpretation of the settleometer and sludge judge. Microorganisms and documentation will also be covered.
Operator Certification Training, Municipal Classes I, II, III, IV and Industrial A, B – 14 Technical hours
This two day session will prepare you for the Indiana Department of Environmental Wastewater Operator exam. Topics covered are: Advanced Treatment, Activated Sludge, Clarifiers, Disinfection, Laboratory, Maintenance, Preliminary Treatment, Safety, Solids Handling, completing the MRO using the DMR, Math and the Operator’s Certification Manual. This course is a valuable tool for anyone in the wastewater field or anyone considering the wastewater field.
Seasonal Changes – 3 hours
Each plant is impacted by seasonal changes. This session discusses different methods of operating when the weather doesn’t cooperate.
Secondary Clarifiers – 2 hours
The secondary clarifier session is an open discussion regarding the in-house operations of secondary clarifiers to achieve the best quality effluent possible. Basic tools of operations will also be discussed.
Simplified Math – 8 hours
This session will cover the basics of wastewater math centering on conversions for most formulas. A 10-digit calculator is needed for this session.
The Simple Things in Life – 7 hours
Operating the plant using basic tools and knowledge most treatment plants and personnel are equipped with.
Wastewater 101
Explains wastewater treatment as compared to the human body or health. This is a great session for beginners in the field or for City/Town Council members to understand wastewater.